Wednesday, December 09, 2015

Wrapping It Up!

Goodness….where has the last year gone? I’ve been so busy I haven’t had time to post anything. Rather than playing catch up, we’ll just go from here.
I’m wrapping up my next to last semester and here is one recent project that I loved!
The outfit had to be 50% created by yours truly, and required crazy makeup. Check and Check. Totally fun though and my little model LOVED it. 

Thursday, January 15, 2015

New Semester...

Well, another semester has begun. Needed some pictures for class tomorrow, so I drove around this morning looking for some options. I think I have a few to work with now, and thought I'd share these.

This was an old boat sitting on the side of the road...I just liked how it looked so out of place with the weeds growing up in it.

This one I went back to get...I passed it the first time and though...OOH. Something about the way the light was bouncing off the water and the solar favorite shot of the morning.

And then I found these guys sitting down at the boat dock...the sun wasn't quite hitting this part of the lake yet but I still liked the reflections and the repetitiveness of the birds. 

And finally, a morning grooming. Yum.

That's it for today. Thanks for dropping by.